Mayday ....Mede.....
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Recently an American Airlines plane survived a major accident. There were 194 passengers on the plane. But the pilot's intelligence saved everyone's life. Actually he used the word Mede. Before landing, let the pilots sign the air traffic control with the word Mede. Let us tell you the meaning of this word and why it is used.
Recently an American Airlines plane survived a major accident. There were 194 passengers on the plane. But the pilot's intelligence saved everyone's life. Actually he used the word Mede. Before landing, let the pilots sign the air traffic control with the word Mede. Let us tell you the meaning of this word and why it is used.
The term Mede is used when the aircraft and its passengers are in a major crisis. That means their crisis is at its peak. The term is used under a terminology meant for aviation or marine traffic control. Pytle uses this word when he realizes that his and the passengers' lives are in danger.
The term was first used in the year 1923. The term was coined by Frederick Stanley McFord, senior radio officer of the London ATC (Air Traffic Control) at the time. Macford was given the responsibility by his officers to devise a word that could be used in an emergency.
It was also said that the word should be understood by the pilot and ground staff. McFord used the term while controlling air traffic between London to Paris. It was necessary to invent the word because the word help used to help was being used in addition to emergency. At the same time as voice radio communication became common, a word equivalent to the term SOS was also required.
While doing air traffic control, McFord invented Mede with the French word. The word he thought was 'm ader'. It means help me. Englishing the same word, Macford chose the word mayday. And decided that the same word would be used to indicate that the plane was at the height of the crisis.
The term got international approval in the International Radio Telegraph Convention in Washington in 1927. The term was then declared an official voice disaster call. Also, a condition was laid that the word can be used by pilots and radio officers at the same time when they do not see any other way to escape. However, nowadays Meday has also been used by Captains of ships and Marine radio controllers.
According to experts, the pilot has to use the word mayday three times. The decision to do this was taken so that the radio controllers could easily identify it among the rest of the voices and make sure that the pilot really needed help.
Pilots also use the term pan pan in emergencies. But it is used in a less risky situation than Mede. Pan indicating the PAN The pilot asks for help in a risky situation. PAN PAN is indicated at a time when life is not at risk but there are problems in flight. But in both situations the control of the aircraft is in the hands of the pilot
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